Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Waking up from a real nightmare...

Yes, I wouldn't be surprised if you think that this is the most ridiculous thing that i ever said...yes I want to be slimmer again, like my old weight of 48 kilos. Sounds so surreal and impossible, but I am struggling. For each and every morning that I have to wake up and straddle the the weighing scale to see my 90 kilos, the heaviest weight I have ever had in comparizon to my two former pregnancies of 80 kilos. But what the heck, it is still overweight! That is my point.
Yes, of course, point taken, now I am on my way down again, trying all I can to loose this weight, sounds like a common song you hear on the radio, ha ha ha! But I feel so happy, and psychologically so balanced that yes, I will win this battle. So much that I could gain in losing 40 kilos! It is like walking on the moon...one step goes a long way like Apollo 13 said, correct me if I am wrong, but one has to take it bravely and with good planning.
I saw the presentation of this English talk show about the Pro Ana websites that hooked so many young teeners in the UK. Thinking about it, I thought statistics said obesity is the number deadly disease of the century...
Well, confusing as it is, I have my goals on slimming down healthily and eating the right carbs, extra vitamins, right amount of serving, voila after a week down to two sizes!!!!!
Not to hip hurray yet, the road is long and winding, trying to make it as my lifestyle and making eating as natural as it should have been, yes...I will be there like I once was...I hope to see you there?

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