Sunday, December 5, 2010

Reality Bites

...looking back, I kept telling myself and smiling, "how did I survived that?"! It was exactly three years ago since I officially moved to Belgium and living with Kurt who waited six years for me and preservered and I am still feeling awedthat this time I have made the right choice!
When I moved from the Philippines to Sweden, going to language school first and suddenly becoming a mother to Daniel after two years was a blessing in surprise. Erik, Daniels' father, was given a "papa ledighet" parenthood leave of absence paid for two years from his work so he could take care of Danny while I'm off to work and go to school. It was a difficult time and was thankful to Erik parents, who has been a mountain to lean on, a "klippa" as we say it Swedish. I started then my business when Daniel was two and he has to go to "kleuterklas"- nursery class until he is six. I still continued going to school since I believe that education is a dynamic continous transformer. Learning is forever. But there should be balance.
There was none. Working too hard and learning too much for the future without paying attention to the "NOW" was a horrible mistake. I have lost a motherhood, that still kept me to be strong and tangible, for the sake of a better future. A year later, it was all gone. Marriage and motherhood. Chagrin and all that, I asked myself "have I made the right choices"? Reality bites because it is quite obvious I did not. be continued

Friday, December 3, 2010

2011 Lär sig vara väldigt upptagen!

Det ser lovande ut, ska jag säg. Nu har man börjat med kurser på hur man startar eget. Men först sak fö ska lära sig masera först! Och sen kan de börja planera starta eget med massage och det är Kommunen vill att jag ska göra under 2011. Holländskan min var inte heller dåligt så tror jag att det ska nog gå bra. Reklam var redan gjorts och får vi se om det blir några som vill lära sig den Klassiska Svensk Massage av Maria Hammerin Celie, en certifierade massör och diplommerade massageterapeut från Hässleholm. Hehehe
Krävs nog styrka så får man ochså börja styrke träna och då bör man gå hos grannen intill så kan man få kroppen igång. Spännande!
Nu är det kl ett på morgonen och imorgon är Utrecht igen så blir det tid åt Rosies uppfostran och lär henne va mer lydigare för fröken hennes klagar...och då blir det en hel dag diskussion hur ska man hantera en fem årig tjej snart sex år att uppföstra sig när det behövs....hahahaha. Det är som man pratar med en katt ibland....hehehe hopplös ska jag säg! Men men, som min Chef alltid säger, "det får vi väl se"!

Roligt me snö!!!

So roligt med snö! Jag tycker det är så mysigt! Idag ska vi bygga en snö man utanför fönstret så Rosie kan se den varje morgon hon vaknar. Jag hade tänkt att göra två snö lycktar utanför huset, en typiskt Finske sätt att fira vinter vädret. Det har vi lärt oss från Laura, Rosies Finska barnflicka. Hon är numera i Australien för ett år, tror jag.
Det har varit tredje året i rad att vi har ett sånt fint vinter väder som alltid går minus grader. Igår var det Omas födelsedag och hon bjöd på Genever och Champagner. Oh, det var så gott att jag kunde inte sluta fylla på. Till slut satt jag mig i soffan och var aldelles borta i fantasilandet. Ha ha ha, Gud! Jag sov gott! Sukk, men man kan inte ha champagner varje dag hurru du!
Postar snart bilder och så får börja sig med något annurlunda sätt för det nya året...mer spännande rätt sagt...
Vi ses!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Gud! Nu har det varit evigheter sedan jag var här inne...hahahaha
Livet är så kort och just nu rullar det som en galen bol och vill inte sluta...
Man får vara upp tidigt om morgnarna för att hinna allt som ska göras under dagens
lopp. Och sen, andas man djupt för varje tanke som kommer in i huvudet och gnäller
till sig själv "hur kan jag för fan glömma hämta flickan!"-sen börjar man skratta åt sig
själv när telefonen ringer och hon ville till kompisen och hon är redan där.
Ibland känns det väldig konstigt att det dyker upp underbara saker när du sist tänker
på det. Det är ljuvligt med kompisar! Jag kan nog inte leva utan dom, tyvärr!
Nu när jag började med praktiken hem ifrån så livet hade blivit mer enklare. I för sig
jag blivit mer mamma till Rosie. Vi har mer tid ägnat åt varandra och det tycker jag
världans härligt att jag kan nästan gråta.
Livet i Belgien är annorlunda än jag väntade mig. I Sverige var jag en Fillippinsk tjej och
här i Belgien är jag en Svensk kvinna. Hahahaha, jam skratta Du, minsann! Hehehe för det gör jag. Jag bjuder på det.
Så svårt att jämföra...förstås längtar jag till Sverige och min Lille Daniel, fast han är så stor nu att
de går inte mer kalla honom lille...Men jag kom ihåg hur självständig är han och hur han kämpar
för att få vad han vill...hahahah! Rakaren är så intelligent at man kan knappt ikapp han när det gäller vetenskapliga får ha huvudet på axlar med han...
Sukkk...ska snart åka hem Rosie och ser fram emot bo hos mamma
Anita och Pappa Claes...

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Science of Resilience

“Don't wish me happiness — I don't expect to be happy, it's gotten beyond that, somehow. Wish me courage and strength and a sense of humor. I will need them all.”
~ Anne Morrow Lindbergh

Paradigm Shift - Mastering Your Life from the Inside Out

If you were to write down all the different challenges you
face on a daily basis, how long would that list be?

These could be health challenges, challenges with relationships,
with your emotions, your peace of mind, your future, or whatever
else. I'm willing to bet you'd come up with a pretty long

Truth is, so would I. You see, many ancient cultures were far
more advanced than we are at handling life's curve balls. We
run off looking for a separate solution to each challenge, some-
thing to make it go away.

They, on the other hand, realized you DON'T NEED to make your
challenges go away. They're not the enemy. And that discomfort
they bring you is just a wake-up call. It's your friend.

By running off to find some external fix to take the discomfort
away, you miss the point. You see, ancient cultures knew you
can't overcome challenges like that, from the outside. You can
only overcome them FROM THE INSIDE OUT

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

A new challenge...

I thrive on challenges! Wherein you get to be tried to the very edge of your sanity...thinking your life has just begun and that you need to learn more to survive. These challenges gives me the strength to go further, to unravel the unknown territories and bringing my expectation to realities. Scary but what gives me more comfort is uncovering the hidden abilities that I have never known I have...
Mistakes filter the experiences and what makes it more powerful is you know where you are and where you want to go...

Friday, July 16, 2010

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

I will always remember and shall never forget

Sindy, for your open mindedness, effectiveness and inner strength
Anja for your deadly calmness and diplomacy
Ozzie and Paul for your constant attention, patience and understanding
Koen for your discipline and character
Dani for your wisdom and never ending lovely stories
Cynthia for your tenderness
Priscila for your elegant intelligence
José for your gentle brown eyes, Viva espagne!
Samira for your sheer beauty
Suzie for your warming laughter
Sandra for your updating fashionista
Silvana for your youth
Joos for your infinite IT tricks ;-)
Marco G. for your knowledgeable head
Marco for your long curly hair and attractive flair
Mauro for your indecadence
Adriana for your sheer elegance
Alexandra T. for your candidness
Alexandra S. for your quickmindedness
Amalia for your attractiveness and sexiness
André for your loving lips and sweet smelling scents
Bart for your pranks and lovely legs
Bruno for your sideburns and tender english accént
Erik for your Dutch accént and rapport
Francesca for your helpfulness
Jimmy for your youth and shyness
Wim V. for your freshness
Wim B. for your warmth and daring looks
Joseph for your intellect
Stijn for your gentleness and kindness
Luis for your kissess and hugs
Diego for your wonderful muscles I love to squeeze
Nick for your never ending knowledge
Paula for your femininity
Pedro for your sweet naughty smiles
Sam for your tenderness
Yannick for all the knowledged you passed to me
Andreas for your never ending help
Marco for your always smiling face

........i might have forgotten more

Friday, July 9, 2010

Be more bold and daring

Still stuck with the thought of a new freedom, though not yet in my present grasp, my head gets busier and buzzier than before. It feels like being 25 again! Looking back, I have so much to thank for. Although life has been fruitful, there has been times that the best gift I could have is time itself. A space of time wherein I could grow, mature, consider and succeed. Oftentimes we should stop and understand the real meaning of the present tense and enjoy every possibility of extending it. But understandably enough we pay for our own mistakes. Because time is illusive. If you let it rule you, let it take over your life and confuse you then time has been wasted. So what do we do?
Good planning is always the best...A general plan on on how you see yourself in the future and the steps that you have to take in order to achieve these goals. And then life starts all over again like it always does. Consider this, draw goals in your life so life is worth living! Because Life is short if you have no meaning in it.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Life is too short to be depressed...! the road ends here, and then what? Well, it doesn't really end but twines. Too many choices, sometimes it is confusing. But wonderful enough, i have an angel who keeps my sanity with me! Who tells you to be strong, and be vigilant, and be more understanding. Elodie, KPC, I could never live without you.

Monday, June 28, 2010

amateurish, amateur, inexpert, unskilled

"Unprofessional" was I called today in the middle of a chaotic place. I stood my guard, did my work in over time, but still I am branded unprofessional. What a joke.
What would you have done? Well, I would still do the same, stood my ground and do my job, because that is how it is to be a professional.
Someone who listen to her MP3 and surf in the net would tell you that, what would you have done? Me,I will do the same, I would finish the job because that is why I am getting paid.
I might be called amateur, inexpert, unskilled, unprofessional, as long as I do my job...and do it well, then let 'em judge.

Sunday, June 20, 2010


Scientists know little about how the brain assigns cells to participate in encoding and storing memories. But what does memory does? A memory is not a static snapshot,memories serve a purpose. They are about acquiring information that helps us deal with similar situations in the future. What we recall helps us learn from our past experiences and better shape our lives...

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Waking up from a real nightmare...

Yes, I wouldn't be surprised if you think that this is the most ridiculous thing that i ever said...yes I want to be slimmer again, like my old weight of 48 kilos. Sounds so surreal and impossible, but I am struggling. For each and every morning that I have to wake up and straddle the the weighing scale to see my 90 kilos, the heaviest weight I have ever had in comparizon to my two former pregnancies of 80 kilos. But what the heck, it is still overweight! That is my point.
Yes, of course, point taken, now I am on my way down again, trying all I can to loose this weight, sounds like a common song you hear on the radio, ha ha ha! But I feel so happy, and psychologically so balanced that yes, I will win this battle. So much that I could gain in losing 40 kilos! It is like walking on the step goes a long way like Apollo 13 said, correct me if I am wrong, but one has to take it bravely and with good planning.
I saw the presentation of this English talk show about the Pro Ana websites that hooked so many young teeners in the UK. Thinking about it, I thought statistics said obesity is the number deadly disease of the century...
Well, confusing as it is, I have my goals on slimming down healthily and eating the right carbs, extra vitamins, right amount of serving, voila after a week down to two sizes!!!!!
Not to hip hurray yet, the road is long and winding, trying to make it as my lifestyle and making eating as natural as it should have been, yes...I will be there like I once was...I hope to see you there?

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Love, I will do it for Love.... what have becometh of we, without this so called Love. Is it not just by the self love that we feel fulfillment or is it also a second part love involving someone else? So much description of love, and we can write as much as we could, and talk all about it, but without the deed, the villain is at loose.
I do believe in love, the heart bumping, butterfly excruciating feeling in one's tummy, the cold sweat and the warm blood in each and every vein, making you feel dizzy! Could it be a warning signal? How about a being tongue tied, not feeling yourself and nonstop brain action with only one thing in your thought, of course the very person you feel this wonderfully horrific flabbergasting feelings.
And the worst part of it is the "green eyed monster", controlling, beguiling, manipulative! And we thought love is all heavenly and exciting???? Ha ha ha! then you haven't fallen yet, dear me! It is an ugly feeling, I can tell you! The intruige, the
late sleepless nights, the empty feeling if the one you love doesn't feel the same as you do...
Love and love until you is for free and you can choose, but choose wisely and cunningly, because the game of Love is only for those who are ready!!!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

A new chapter...

Fours hours gone to Charleroi and fours hours back, ha ha ha, it was wonderful! To see the countryside, the cities, and the traffic on a train is for me a no choice. But today, it was forced upon me.
Why do we, of all the species on earth, make sures that our inheritors, aka children, would have to have the best of everything and should be better than what we experienced and had??? Sometimes it drives me in knots.
Looking back, and being sentimental, I hardly had a very good childhood, as far as i can remember. The only best thing that I cherished is that my big sister, Aileen, and still is, was there all the time for me. My parents are the typical parents,you may not skip school and uphold perfect attendance! We, the children always questions, why and why and why, the parents authority, and me, I just play along with it. Not knowing or fully understanding it is for our own good!
Then reality hits you when finally you have your own children!!! Of having to worry how would they grow and how would they be able to make it in life out there, I don't like the feeling of insecurity, which is by far very normal among parents, but there is always the "if"....and it never ends.
We, the parents, in the end are the one true responsible over our own children, to guide them and help them until the time comes that they can be independent and take over the responsibilities. Easily said than done. I surely remembered the time that I took responsibility over myself, and yes, it was a wonderful feeling...

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Life as four seasons

I received so much inspiration from Silva when she wrote me a lovely letter yesterday. Saying let us not dwell in the passed and move on, as the season changes, do not be winter when it is already summer...that enjoying life for the essense of the moment is most wonderful at present.
As Ozzie said to Jose, "sweet words, but he is on diet", does give me a shake that living at the present, and not in the pass nor in the future makes us more humans...
to laugh at your own joke, eat your own cake, have the surprise on you!
Life is wonderful at it's changing seasons...

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

You choose your friends

There is nothing as important as chosing your friends. Good friends, that can have very good influence on you, brings the best out of you, lifts up your spirits and respects you. Pretty scary to find perfect friends, in this non perfect world, when everything has imperfections. In my definition, good friends are not the same or equal to best friends. Good friends knows what is the right thing to say and do without words or actions. Difficult, but you will know when you find and chooses them. Funny, I have only one good friend...the rest are just merely friends. At least, I have gotten myself one.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Men likes feminine women...

Well, I could be generelizing! But in my experience, men wants to be the boss and to have the last say in the relationship. Once the women makes the stand and put down the foot, then the man seems to disappear to the next available feline woman.
It is of nature, what a cheap excuse, but it is a fact that the man is strongest in nature. I know a lot of feminist would be sad about this comment, I myself, a feminist, would have felt so, but I do accept the fact that my man has to take charge and take care of his, and if he cannot then for me he is not man enough. Then I leave to the next available masculine i could find who can take care of his! He he he, sounds good, heh?
A strong man knows when to ply himself in a woman's whim, that is his inner strength. A toast for man!

Saturday, May 22, 2010


For the third time today iwas flashed at! What a compliment! One wants to have my number, second one wants to have an instant relationship and the third one wants a date! I must be dreaming!
Well, the first Rosie shooed away, the second one is an engineer and cute, but i shooed away and the third one, my he is one sweet thing, but good Loordie, I have to say no to all temptation costly or for free! ;-) I have one troublesome man at home already and he is one big enough headache!

Mary in Control

I have grown up! I can say no to all temptations...with one exception! You may guess what it is but i am not going to say. If you would ask for clue? Something you that you can use on rainy days!

Friday, May 21, 2010

A choice

So wonderful life is that we are given a choice!


So when you sleep, do you ever dream? If you did, can you remember?
"Mary, mary so contrary!" Was the first words I was complimented with by the local Diakon, female priest, in Sweden. That was twenty years ago! Time flew so fast I have to ask my au pair to show me how to start a blogg. I was so envious of those girls who has one...